Mediation Training

Mediation is more than problem solving or negotiation, it is the art of listening, guiding, and providing a safe environment where people discover what is most important to them.

A passion for being a part of the solution, a mediator plays an active role in offering relief to those struggling in conflict, building trust, and helping them identify their unmet needs, fears and concerns. Mediators are needed because human conflict is normal and appears in every aspect where people come together.

A rewarding and in demand career, mediators are being utilized across all sectors of the workplace, communities, religious, educational and government organizations and families and couples seeking divorce.

Phoenix Strategies is proud to offer one of the most comprehensive mediator training and conflict coaching programs in the State of Colorado. Approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Education, Private Occupational School Board.

Our Model

The Collaborative, Facilitative and Interest-Based Model™ (CFI) is the heart of Phoenix Strategies, Inc.’s services and training.

A highly effective approach to mediation and conflict resolution, the CFI model can be used as a way of life. Not only is it used to manage conflict, but it can be used in our daily, personal and professional activities. Whether communicating with family, friends or co-workers or negotiating to meet goals, this model can bring about mutually satisfying results for those directly involved.


  • Exploring Mediation as a career
  • Basic 40 Hour Mediation
  • Optimizing your career as a mediator


  • Family
  • Divorce
  • Eldercare
  • Integrated conflict management for families


  • Group Facilitation
  • Workplace
  • Business/Consumer
  • Integrated conflict management for business
  • Conflict Management


  • Facilitation
  • Restorative Justice
  • HOA
  • Faith Conciliation


  • Advanced Mediation
  • Conflict Coaching
  • Mentorship / Coaching
  • Collaborative Mediator Certification
  • Transformative Mediation

Students may also choose to pursue a Certification as a Collaborative Mediator®.

Phoenix Strategies Inc offers a wide variety of classes in mediation and conflict management.


  • Small class sizes and live instruction
  • Ongoing coaching/mentoring for mediator development
  • Access to Phoenix Strategies alumni communications
  • CLE credits available on specified courses

New to the field of mediation and conflict coaching? Check out our 2-hour seminar Exploring mediation as a career.

Upcoming Events

Resources: Get our model detailed information about the mediation training certification process offered by Phoenix Strategies Inc. and the requirements needed to become a certified mediator.